5 things to know before choosing your primary care physician
5 things to know before choosing your doctor
For the follow-up of your health condition or that of your children, have a doctor at your disposal’an attending physician s’It is essential to. Within the framework of the coordinated care pathway, it even becomes mandatory. However, the final decision is yours in choosing the one that is right for you. But before you choose a doctor, you should be aware of some important information.
So keep reading this article and you’ll find out very soon.
The duties of the treating physician towards his patient
In the ethics of the profession, all doctors have duties towards their patients, regardless of their social rank, their sex or their origin. Also, what’Whether you are a doctor or a nurse in a woman’s white coat, the responsibilities remain the same when it comes to patient care. So before you choose your doctor, make sure that he or she is aware of the importance of your health’It is important to respect the following duties:
- Treat all patients with the same conscience: regardless of the patient in front of him, the physician must use all the means at his disposal to make the right diagnosis and deliver care in accordance with the rules of practice and science;
- Inform the patient about his health condition: the doctor must provide his client with complete and fair information (his pathology, the possible treatments, the risks, the chances of success, the costs, etc.), no matter how bad your health is;
- Respect medical secrecy: the physician must protect by all means the secret entrusted to him by the patient or all information entering the medical file’practice of his profession;
- Obtain the patient’s consent before starting a treatment’a treatment: the doctor must have the necessary information beforehand’It is important to obtain the client’s agreement before administering a treatment and the client can refuse depending on the possible risks (this is essential for a good health)’If you are not sure of the importance of your doctor, make sure that he or she is a professional who will follow you and help you to find the right treatment;
- Do not divert patients: for a better confraternity, doctors must collaborate and share useful information without competing for the care of patients’a patient.
L’the importance of the attending physician for your health
If you have deciding to choose a doctor, c’The reason for this is because you know how important he or she is to your medical care. But this does not always seem obvious. Then, know that’It is in your best interest to have a good meal’a professional who will follow you and advise you during the different stages of your care. In summary, here are the reasons to choose a doctor for you or your child:
- A careful and regular care: the attending physician gives an accurate opinion on your health condition after the consultation and guarantees you an optimal medical follow-up;
- An orientation in the coordinated care path: the professional advises you on the decisions to be taken for your treatment and directs you to other health care providers if necessary’other specialized professionals;
- A good control and a reliable management of your medical file: he/she is in charge of gathering all the information about your care and updates your medical file with the results of your treatment’You will not feel the need to explain your motives or justify yourself to him. ;
- A personalized prevention: c’The doctor in charge of your health is the one who takes care of your vaccinations and screening tests, it is the one who is responsible for your health’He or she will also give you guidelines based on your lifestyle, age and family history;
- An establishment of a care protocol: in the case of’If a man has a long term illness, the attending physician builds a care protocol with other physicians’You can also refer to other specialized professionals in order to be informed about the necessary services and scientific advances.
Who should choose a doctor ?
D’after the law of’August 2004 on the’If you are under the age of 16, it is mandatory for you to choose a doctor for your health insurance. In the same way, if you depend on your parents’ social security system, you must choose an attending physician, especially within the framework of the coordinated care pathway. For children under 16 years of age, the responsibility lies with the’It is also necessary to have health insurance from at least one of the two parents or from the holder of the health insurance (CPAM)’You should know that the choice of your doctor is up to you and that you have the parental authority to designate a doctor and to declare it to the primary health insurance fund’s health insurance’child. In some cases, minors can choose their own doctor, but with the consent of their parents.
People with’A man with a long term illness must also have a medical insurance policy’a general practitioner or specialist in the disease. C’It is this doctor who will be responsible for the follow-up of the child’Establish the care protocol.
How to choose your attending physician ?
You should know that the choice of your doctor is a matter of choice attending physician is left to your own discretion. You can then refer yourself to a professional that suits you. However, the practitioner may refuse to follow you, and you will then have to refer you to another one. For more information’For insurance purposes, choose a doctor who is registered with the State Board of Health’You should know that the choice of your doctor is up to you, whether he or she is a general practitioner, an emergency doctor or a specialist, working in a practice, a hospital or a health center.
We also recommend that you choose a professional close to your home for your convenience. Once you have designated a physician, you will need to declare him or her by filling out a declaration form with the professional. Then, you will send it to your Caisse Primaire d’Health Insurance (CPAM).
If you wish, you can also declare your attending physician online from his or her Espace pro. Remember, however, that you will not be able to choose two treating physicians at the same time, even in two different health centers.
Can you change your primary care physician? ?
If you are no longer satisfied with your attending physician, if you have lost confidence in him or her or for any other reason, you can freely decide to replace him or her at any time. In addition, you will not feel the need to give your reasons or justify yourself to him. But in this case, you have to start the procedure again by choosing a new professional that you will then declare to your Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM).