
Broken or ridged nails how to strengthen them

Broken or ridged nails: how to strengthen them ?

Broken or ridged nails affect most men and women. These problems are usually caused by aging nails, a transitional deficiency or a bad eating habit. Although common, this inconvenience is not a problem’aesthetic order can be treated properly with good gestures and a healthy diet.

Marine collagen for nail health

The food supplement is the solution to various health problems. It contains in particular It contains minerals, vitamins, plants and minerals that help to fight against temporary food deficiencies. The frequent problems of broken and grooved nails, in particular, are often caused by vitamin and iron deficiencies.

Among the effective food supplements, we find natural marine collagen which favors the’elasticity of tissues, mobility of joints and muscle strengthening. This way, you can measure the size of your pet’s gnawing habit’importance of marine collagen thanks to its ability to prevent and cure frequent nail problems.

Adopt a healthy diet

Healthy food and beauty are perfect allies. In any case, that’it is’The food supplement acts to treat dry skin, brittle hair, chapped lips or cracked nails broken or ridged nails, A good diet is often the best solution. To do this, you must adopt a diet that is rich in vitamin, iron and protein.

Integrate the’It is important to include eggs, red meat, dried fruits, red fruits in your eating habits. Indeed, the consumption of these foods strengthens the nails and improves their quality, thus reducing the risk of’appearance of striae.

take care of broken nails streaked with marine collagen

Good habits for strong nails

Put away your bad habits and think about the health of your nails first. If you have the’You can also measure the habit of gnawing on them, and know that this does not cause any damage’does not solve the problem of nails broken and ridged nails. Also remember to protect your nails by wearing gloves when doing housework or gardening.

Avoid also to’Apply nail polish directly and take the time to pamper your nails. For example, polish them from time to time, take care of your cuticles and apply a base before each polish. Prefer quality products to avoid weakening your nails.

Lemon juice to strengthen your nails

Lemon juice is one of the most effective remedies for strengthening nails and preventing frequent problems. The reason: this fruit has many virtues (antiseptic, antifungal). By using lemon juice to treat your digestive problems, you can help to broken or ridged nails, you will help to tone and whiten them.

The treatment with pure lemon juice, undiluted, can be done once or twice a week. The procedure is to’This is even easier since’All you need to do is Soak your nails in the juice and let them rest for a maximum of 15 minutes.

If you don’t have juice, you can rub your nails against the lemon pulp by massaging lightly. You can also add some lemon juice to your nails’vegetable oil, as in the’s oil’amande, d’olive or l’oil of’It is important to use argan oil to soften cuticles while taking care of your nails and hands.