
7 American snacks you must try

7 American snacks you must try

For several decades, snacking has become part of our eating habits. Quick, easy to consume, accessible and not very bulky; the ready-to-eat food has already helped us all at least once in our lives. So, yes, snacks are often associated with junk food, yes, they are usually very fatty and full of calories, yes, they are not our best ally to keep our figure but let us convince you that some snacks are definitely worth the detour !

To have the best of the snack, it is necessary to return to the source. The United States being the origin of snacking, we have concocted a list of seven American snacks that are sure to please American snacks to try absolutely and at all costs..

Selection of 7 American snacks to try

If you’re tempted by the flavor of American snacks and don’t know where to start, here are seven American snacks that are sure to please.

Lucky Charms

Produced by General Mills, Lucky Charms are one of the top American snacks to try. This is a brand of cereal made with toasted oats and marshmallow pieces of various colors and shapes.

They are sometimes shaped like shamrocks, stars, moons, rainbows, horseshoes, unicorns or hearts. This cereal is deliciously crunchy and very complete. Some regular cereal eaters say they are not like any other cereal.

For them, once the cereal is in the milk, you have to start with the marshmallow pieces and finish with the crunchiest one while for others, you have to start with the oats and finish with the marshmallow pieces. All in all, no matter what order you follow, prepare your taste buds for an extraordinary taste experience… yum-yum-yum !

Durkee Marshmalloo Fluff

Another one American snack to try is the Durkee Marshmalloo Fluff. It is a reference in the field of spreads in the United States.

It is a marshmallow cream pastry flavored with strawberry, vanilla or caramel and gluten free. This is what makes it one of the most popular products in America. Its delicate and creamy texture makes it a perfect pastry to accompany sandwiches, pancakes or to finish your cakes and cupcakes.

Durkee Marshmalloo Fluff

Wonka Rainbow Nerds

If you’ve been following Tim Burton’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie, Wonka candies are bound to ring a bell. These delicious, fruity, rainbow-colored American candies have everyone in agreement. Without a doubt, they are one of the American snacks to try at any cost to please your taste buds.

And maybe’When buying Wonka treats you will come across the’one of the tickets of’or you can win a trip around the world offered by the brand.

The cheese spray

Spray cheese is one of the most popular flavors American snacks to taste whenever the opportunity arises. It’s a staple of American fast food. Its creamy texture and inimitable taste make it a real treat and a real ally for your sandwiches and toast.

Although reviews are mixed and it’s hard to imagine having cheese in a bomb like whipped cream, it’s worth a try. At least you’ll know if you like it or not !

The cheese in spray

Chocolate Pretzels

The pretzel is a salty pastry in the shape of a knot made with water, flour, butter, yeast and salt. If you’re a sweet and savory fan, you’ll love the chocolate pretzel (dark, milk or white).

This pastry is perfectly suited for small family snacks, to accompany your coffee at breakfast or for an American e-apero. If you can’t buy them, you can make them yourself at home. However, it is recommended that you eat the chocolate pretzels the day they are made to get the most out of their flavor.

Chocolate Pretzels

Beef jerky

Very rich in protein, beef jerky is a North American specialty. This is a meat cut into strips, seasoned and dried that can be easily preserved and eaten at any time.

Beef jerky has enormous nutritional qualities and can be eaten in many different ways. As you can see, it can be your companion at any table. It is commonly called “beef jerky” but it can also be chicken or other meats.

You can nibble it, put it in a quick salad or use it for a refined and elaborate cooking. It’s up to you to let your imagination run wild !

Beef jerky

The hotess twinkies

A sponge cake filled with cream and deliciously moist, it tempts you ? Twinkies are small cakes, often doubled in packaging, very practical and easy to carry. This is clearly one of the most important advantages of this type of equipment American snacks to taste.

Even though this pastry has been criticized a few times because of its ingredients considered to be devoid of any real nutritional value, hotess twinkies are one of the greatest treasures of American pastry. You can take them for a snack or nibble them between two races when you are hungry. Go and discover one of the most famous snacks in the United States.

Hotess twinkies

These must-try American snacks will take you on an extraordinary taste adventure. You may or may not like them and you may discover new tastes and preferences. As you explore and discover new things, be sure to eat these snacks in moderation, as most of them are very fatty and therefore have a high caloric content.

Moreover, for those which contain dyes, watch the consumption of the children and do not let them take too much all the time. Finally, don’t forget to always check the ingredients on the packaging to be sure that what you are eating is not harmful to your health.